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Clinical Guidelines

Crystal Run Health Plans Best Practice Library is a succinct summary of evidence-based guidelines for the management of specific clinical conditions. These guidelines were created by in network providers based on review of medical literature and in their area of clinical expertise. These guidelines are intended to provide general guidance only. All medical care should take into consideration specific factors that are determined by providers in the process of delivering health care to individual members.


Acne Vulgaris Best Practice Guideline

Acute Ureteral Stone Best Practice Guideline

Allergic Rhinitis Guideline

Allergy Immunotherapy Best Practice Guideline

Alopecia Areata Best Practice Guideline

C Diff Guideline

Chalazion Best Practice Guideline

Chronic Urticaria Best Practice Guideline

COPD Best Practice Guideline

Evaluation of TickBites Lyme Disease Best Practice Guideline Revised

GDM Best Practice Guidelines

GERD Best Practice Guideline

Hyperlipidemia Best Practice Guideline

Hypertension Best Practice Guideline

Increased LFTS Best Practice Guideline

LDCT Screen for Lung Cancer

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Best Practice Guideline

MGUS Best Practice Guideline

Panic Disorder Best Practice Guideline

Preterm Labor Best Practice Guideline

Psychotherapy for Major Depression Best Practice Guideline

Sinusitis Best Practice Guideline

Tonsillectomy Indications

VITAMIND D Best Practice Guideline